Monday, August 09, 2004

My hopes!

Hope is always there!

Despite the fact that I fall frequently into despair, due to the unsurmountable day to day hurdles that I can't overcome, God's Mercy is always great. Glimpses of hope come from here or there, to give me the necessary momentum to keep on living. I will be someone prestigious one near day, renown for good deeds and wealthy enough to satisfy my needs and able to be productive to the full.

Saturday, July 17, 2004

As usual!

It appears to me that I can't get rid of my old habits easily. One of these is to lose interest, and to get fed up over a short period of time whether in work or pastime. This is one of the reasons that I am not a frequent prolific blogger, which means a long interval for a new blog on this site. May be another reason, is that I am chronically depressed. Or, that I can't find a story that is worth telling to others. Despite the fact that I find (the Blogging Experience) psychologically relieving to my mind, I keep forgetting in the sort of living salad that I live in, that I do have a free blog, waiting there 24/7, for my new post. May be another important cause of my laziness, is that I figure that nobody else in the world is reading my posts, so why bother myself, with a fruitless undertaking. But the sure thing is that I love typing on the keyboard and see my ideas directly typed in front of my eyes, online. May be somebody will one day, help me writing a book, or the reverse that I can be his or her coauthor on a subject pertaining to the human dilemma on this Earth. Well who knows!

Saturday, April 03, 2004


It has been a long time since my last blog. Many events have happened in my life. And because I tried in vain so many times to post new blogs here, and failed due to some mysterious causes, I dropped the whole idea of blogging. Not to mention that I have forgotten my password. I am trying again though nearly two years have passed since the last blog. I hope I will succeed this time to post a fresh message on the site.