Friday, November 02, 2007

The health insurance dilemma - 1

No body can deny that the most valuable asset to anyone is his health. But it is not only of personal importance but also due to interactions between people, it has also a collective importance. So the well being of individuals in any community is a political matter that concern all the society, and can't be left to chance or hazard. This is why advanced civilized societies organized a scheme for health insurance for their societies. This scheme differed from one country to another due to different approaches. Each country, through planners and parties developped a scheme favourable to its circumstances and resources. Sure experience of other countries, are available to study and implement, but each society can have its problems, its particularities, so tailoring according to the needs is important, if the welfare of the whole community is what is aimed really for. (To be continued...)

Banal but important!

When my mind drifted a little, I thought about small things in our everyday life, that we take for granted, without thinking about the multiple ways that each item can be used for. They are all cheap, ubiquitous and can be used by anyone, rich or poor, in any age, by any race. Look at your face, when you can’t find one of these items, and how do you feel lost, and angry momentarily. No matter how banal these items, the importance is their value for our life. It is a message from the all Mighty that no matter how a thing is little or apparently of little or no value, this thing can prove of importance to man, and its absence can provide a nuisance. I have taken for example these:
1. The paper clip
2. The pencil
3. The rubber elastic band
4. The tissue paper
5. The plastic bag
Sure that for animals, these things have no meaning, because the man has given these things after fabricating them, the meaning. But later they possessed a state of importance and functionality, that nothing else can replace easily, these inanimate objects has acquired a sort of personality and a value, if I dare to say, despite being cheap and trivial.