Friday, March 08, 2002


This is the word that every human being on this earth is searching, in his own way, for it. Is it present? Well I don't really know. Can it be complete, permanent and spontaneous? I have no straight answer to this question. Throughout the long history of Homo Sapiens on this globe, since the antiquity, this creature made his best to get it. Philosophers of all sorts, cultures, way of thinking or backgrounds, studied its notion. From Aristotle to Avicenna, everyone had his view of happiness. Even artists, actors, musicians, and writers had their version for the meaning of happiness. Politicians also can say that they have got all the means for their people to be happy.
But, is happiness an individual issue or a collective one? Does it concern the person alone or his surrounding also? Is it inborn or acquired?
Can it be taught? Do we have to pay for it? Is it a must to struggle to get it?
For how long will it last? What is the difference between joy, laughter and happiness? What causes happiness? What kills happiness? What blocks happiness? How can we generate and sustain happiness?
Do we have to live in misery and sadness? Is happiness forbidden in this earthy living? Is happiness only and truly present in Heaven?
Is it a fake or a mirage?
Science has proven that it is a real thing. When we receive positive good signals by our senses, our brain reacts by changing its waves and releasing certain neurotransmitters that provoke peace of mind and satisfaction. This has been proven beyond doubt, through many experiments using scanners for the brain and electroencephalography.
Also clinics for happiness have been established in many universities worldwide. Emphasis in these clinics is on group therapy and interaction between victims of depression attending the clinics. Every aspect of the personality of the patient is measured by questionnaires filled before the eight - week course. Thereafter a frequent self-assessment is carried out through other questionnaire during the course.
And it is working!

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