Tuesday, March 12, 2002

Letting the steam out!

May all the bad people go to hell! I am writing these words to myself, because I lost hope and trust in everybody. I am astonished from the people's behavior, at work, in the street and in the community in general. What happened to the community? Hypocrisy, bad treatment, playing mischievously with words to harm others, loss of simple rules of courtesy, hatred, lying, and oppression to name just a few vices. Oh God, this society is going down the hill. To be noted is the rising tide of violence and delinquency. Cold blooded murders, rape of women, girls and boys, vengeance, kidnapping, assault under arms, all fill the newspaper everyday with a rising monotony. Despite that people go to places of worship in big numbers, we are going from bad to worse.
Can I continue living in this jungle? I am not a beast to continue struggling and I can't retaliate to get satisfied. Also the number of bad people that are potential criminals or enemies is above my capabilities to fight.
Well I have to think deeply, logically and systematically to get things right. Either fight or flight? That is the question. To be a human being, civilized and humane is what I wanted always to be. Not only that, but also to live in a good society with rules of conduct that are respected from the majority of the citizens. To interact with people that are high on the echelon of humanity is my hope.
Can this wish happen some happy day?

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