Saturday, December 01, 2007

Hunger and the Big Apple!

How often when I get hungry that I think of eating a big apple. Never mind you may think like that too when you are hungry, but it is not our topic today as you may think. I am writing here about hunger and poor people who can’t even find what can stop their hunger pains by filling their stomach, but imagine where, in the Big Apple i.e. New York city. In the last annual report of an American association called (Coalition against hunger) published in late November 2007 before Thanksgiving as usual , they found that one in every six of New York city citizens suffers from hunger that means 1.3 million people of the total New York city population 8.25 million. And imagine what, of these 1.3 million there are 400 thousand hungry children. Not only that, but the report said that increasing number of people is using the public restaurants to get a free meal; from an increase of 11 % in 2005 to a 20 % rise in 2006, due to increasing economic troubles, and unemployment or whatever reason. And still the most struck areas by poverty in New York city are Bronx and Brooklyn. But the association is raising an eyebrow due to the shrinking aid supplied by the USA government. Remember that we are talking about the capital of the economy in the world and the magnet that attracts economic migrants from all over the world. But this nicely disguised beast can bite anybody deep to the bones.

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