Tuesday, December 01, 2009

The urge to write

How often it occurred to me that I must write something in plain English? The answer is so many times. But it was not always feasible to do it. It was not by the lack of time, Internet connection, or poverty of new events, but it was due to lack of enthusiasm. Since the moment that I discovered my ability to write meaningful prose in English, it bewildered me, is it worthwhile to keep writing? Will this writing be of any use? I am a simple common man, not a famous thinker or a prominent figure, so what it is the aim of such endeavour? As I continued to blog new posts, I realised that it is a sort of self-healing, a kind of soul-liberation or may be a path-finder. But running dry of good ideas for new essays, is a problem that I encounter often. So to overcome, the lack of enthusiasm and the dearth of ideas, I plunged in intense readings of English books, and followed more closely current events on English-speaking satellite channels. But why writing in English in the first place, when it is not my mother tongue? Well, there are many reasons for that. One of these reasons, is that I love the English language, and that writing in it is fun, moreover is that it is the universal language of science and of the plethora of literature around the world. I can communicate with it with many learned people around the world. Writing in English in the blogger box is neat and easy with clean characters, that gives the impression of printed material. So, the urge of writing might be pressing, I have to organize my ideas, have a simple layout, which can be proliferated while writing. Then, not to put pen to paper, but connect to the Web, and stroke the keyboard, in order to have a good post in the end.

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